A Special Class of Tensor Product Surfaces with Harmonic Gauss Map
Azam Etemad Dehkordy*
Department of Mathematical sciences, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
In this paper, we stat a necessary and sufficient condition for Gauss map of the tensor product of planar unite circle and a special smooth curve in En to be harmonic. In this way, we construct two orthonormal basis for the tangent space and the normal space of the resulting tensor product surface. As a direct consequence of these basis, we also get a result about shape operators of this surface.
Tensor Product, Gauss Map, Harmonic Map
Received: February 3, 2015
Accepted: April 9, 2015
Published online: April 17, 2015
@ 2015 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY-NC license. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
1. Introduction
The tensor product of two immersions of a given Riemannian manifold was introduced by Chen in the late 1970,s ([3]). This notion is a generalization of the quadratic representation of a submanifold.
In a special case, a tensor product surface is obtained by taking the tensor product of two curves. A number of properties such as minimality and totally reality are studied about tensor product of two planar curves ([7]). Moreover, minimal and pseudo- minimal tensor product of Lorentzian planar curve and an Euclidean planar curve is considered by Mihai ([8]).
Gauss map is one of the topics in differential geometry. On the other hand, harmonic functions have very useful properties in advanced mathematics. So, we study the tensor product surfaces of two curves that have harmonic Gauss map.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we recall some standard definitions and results from Riemannian geometry. Let M be an n-dimensional manifold, Em be an m-dimensional Euclidean space and be an isometric immersion, as well as the Levi-Civita connection of and the induced connection on from We denote the second fundamental form of in by normal connection in the normal bundle of by and the shape operator in the direction of normal vector field n by . It is well known that the two later notions are related to each other by
< II(X, Y ),n >=<,Y > (1)
where and are tangent vector fields to For an n-dimensional submanifold in the mean curvature vector is given by
If then the submanifold is said to be minimal. A submanifold is called totally geodesic if Furthermore, the Gaussian and Weingarten formula are given, respectively, by
Using above notations, we have the following Ricci equation,
1 (4)
for tangent vector fields and normal vector fields and
Let be the Grassmannian consisting of all oriented n-planes through the origin of For an isometric immersion the Gauss map of is a smooth map which carries into the oriented n-plane in , which obtained from the parallel translation of , the tangent space of at in . We known that canonically imbedded in , the vector space obtained by the exterior product of vectors in . We can assume as Euclidean space where , so the Gauss map at can be written as )(p), where is an adapted local orthonormal frame field in such that are tangent to and are normal to If be the set of real smooth functions on , then the Laplacian of is defined by
Note that in this context, smooth can be replaced by
3. A Special Tensor Product Surface in
Let be the unit planar circle centered at the origin with parameterization ) and be a unit speed smooth curve in with parametrization Here, we consider for every (index 1 can be replaced by The tensor product surface of two curves and is given by,
Assume that defines an isometric immersion of into Let prime denote derivative with respect to It is easily seen that
form an orthonormal frame for tangent space of . Moreover, an orthonormal basis normal to is given by
and .
If we use the following abbreviation,
and for
also for we us
we get,
and for we have,
where and ’s are in
One immediate result that follows from (3) and (7) is following Corollary.
Corollary. Let be the tensor product surface of the circle ) and unit speed smooth curve , then for , , we have
The following Theorem provides us a necessary and sufficient condition for our special tensor product surface to have harmonic Gauss map
Theorem. Let be a tensor product surface of the circle ) and unit speed smooth curve of plane.
Proof. If we use (5), (6) and (7), then a direct computation shows that the Laplacian of the Gauss map is given by
where for
and .
In definitions of and , prime means the derivation respect to . If the Gauss map of is harmonic, i.e. , then (9) implies that
, ..., ,
Since all terms on the right-hand side of the first equation in (10) are nonnegative, hence we have
for This result and (8), show that is a totally geodesic surface in and so is a part of a plane. The converse is obvious.
4. Conclusion
The main conclusion of this paper is a planar surface in even dimensional Euclidean space can be obtained from tensor product of unit circle with a unit speed curve in an Euclidean surface of half dimension.