Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2015 Publish Date: Aug. 26, 2015 Pages: 142-147

Laboratory and Store Efficacy of Nano-Extracted Destruxin from Metarhizium anisopliae Against Indian Meal Moth Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera-Pyralidae)

Sabbour M. M.*

Department of Pests and Plant Protection, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt


Indian meal moth Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera-Pyralidae) is one of the most serious stored grain pests worldwide. Destruxin is a cyclic hexadepsipeptides produced by entomopathogenic and phytopathogenic fungi, it is contains five amino acids and one hydroxyl acid. The effect of Nano-extracted Destruxin from Metarhizium anisopliae was evaluated against the target pests. Results showed thatthe LC50 obtained 103X104 and 77 X104spores/ml for Destruxin and nano-Destruxin treatments, respectively. Under laboratory conditions, the number of eggs laid / female were significantly decreased to 17.4±3.8 and 10.6±9.5 eggs / female after destruxin and nano-destruxin applications, as compared to 99.9±7.9 eggs/female in the control after 120 days. The adult emergence recorded 100% in the control which is significantly decreased to 2% after nano - destruxin treatments after 120 days of application under laboratory conditions. Under store conditions the number of eggs laid /female were significantly decreased to 13.1±9.2 after nano - Destruxin treatments after 120 day of storage.


Plodia interpunctella (L.), Destruxin, Nano-Extracted Destruxin

1. Introduction

The Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), is a very common household pest, feeding principally on stored food products. In fact, it has been called the most important pest of stored products that is commonly found in the home or in grocery stores in the Egypt. The larvae are general feeders, as they can be found in grain products, seeds, dried fruit, dog food, and spices Sabbour, 2003[1]. [2,3,4,5. 6]used the nanoparticles against the stored product insect pests, they found that the infections were significantly decreased when treated with the nanoparticles.

[7&8] found that, under laboratory conditions, the LC50s, were significantly decreased when the adult female of grasshopper Hetiracris littoralistreated with nano-destruxin and reached to 153X104spores/ml. Under semi field condition, the LC50s of newly hatched nymphs, last nymphal stage and adult stages, 210 X 104, 227 X 104and224 X 104spores/ml [8].

[9] Lisansky suggested that the cutinophilic properties of the oil could allow a greater number of fungal conidia to penetrate the mouth parts of insects. Oil carriers can also distribute the inoculum over the thin intersegmental membranes, which are more rapidly penetrated by entomopathogenous fungi [9]. In addition, [10] found that the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals. - Criv.) Vuill. (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) killed the insect pests through the cuticle and it was not needed to be consumed by them. It is also mentioned

The present work aimed to explore the protective potency of destruxin and nano-destruxin, against P. interpunctella under laboratory and during storage.

2.Material and methods

2.1. Rearing the Insect Pests

The target insect pests Plodia interpunctella was reared under laboratory conditions 28 ± 2°C and 60 ± 5% R.H on semi artificial diet (fine wheat with some endosperm), with 20% glycerin and 5% yeast powder. Groups of 100 one-day old eggs were placed each in 15 cm peteridishes comprising a thin layer of diet.All cultures and experiments were held at 26 ± 2 °C and 70-80% R.H. with 16 hours light and 8 hours dark.

2.2. Preparation of the Nano-Destruxin

The extracted destruxin were prepared to nano-particles by national research centre microbiological team according to [11] Leiderer et al. (2008). Then prepared for scanning microscopy.

2.3. Bioassays

The insecticidal efficacy of nano-destruxin was tested at three dose rates, 0.25, 0.50 and 1 g/kg wheat against the 3rd instar larvae of Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera-Pyralidae). For each case, four glass jars as replicates were used. Each replicate was treated individually with the respective nano-destruxin quantity and then shaken manually for one minute to achieve equal distribution of the nano-destruxin. Subsequently, ten 3rd instar larvae of the two tested species were introduced into each glass jar and covered with muslin for sufficient ventilation. Twelve replicates glass jars containing untreated wheat served as control. Mortality was assessed after 7 d of exposure in the treated and untreated jars. Mortality was corrected according to [12] Abbott (1925). All tests were conducted at 27 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% relative humidity (RH). All the experiments were repeated three times.The nano-destruxin. Destruxin were used at the rate of 0.5 g/kg wheat. Four replicates of 100 g wheat for each treatment were used. Each replicate was treated individually with the formulations for 1 min and put inside glass jars. Four replicates in jars containing untreated wheat served as control. Subsequently, one paired of newly emerged adults were introduced into each jar. The number of deposited eggs on treated or untreated wheat/female was counted and the percent repellence values were calculated according to the equation of [13] Lwande et al. (1985), D = (1 - T/C) x 100, where: T and C represent the mean number of deposited eggs per female of the treated and check set, respectively. Four replicates jar containing untreated grain served as control. Subsequently, one paired of newly emerged adults were introduced into each jar. The number of deposited eggs on treated or untreated grains/female was counted. The data was analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), where significant differences between the treatments were observed. Mean values were significantly separated by using the least significant difference (LSD) test at 5% level [14].

3. Results and Discussion

Table 1. Effect of the tested pathogen on P. interpunctella.

Target pathogen LC50 S V 95% Confidence limits
Destruxin 103X104 0.1 1.4 89-139
nano- Destruxin 77 X104 1.1 1. 3 57-149

Table 2. Effect of different treatments Plodia interpunctella under laboratory conditions.

Storage interval days Control Destruxin Nano-Destruxin
no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence (F1) no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence (F1) no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence(F1)
20 12.3±5.7 89 5.3±2.8 6 0.1±6.3 0
45 69.1±2.7 94 9.4±3.9 18 1.4±9.5 0
90 70.5±6.7 98 15.4±2.9 21 8.2±7.1 5
120 99.9±7.9 100 17.4±3.8 10 10.6±9.5 2
F value 29.9 19.7 9.3
Lsd5% 13 12 10

Table 1, show that the LC50 of the Indian meal moth after treated with different concentrations of the fungi toxin. The LC50 obtained recoded 103X104 and 77 X104spores/ml for Destruxin and nano-Destruxin treatments, respectively. Table2 show under laboratory condition, the number of eggs laid /female were significantly decreased to 17.4±3.8 and 10.6±9.5 eggs/ female after destruxin and nano-destruxin applications, as compared to 99.9±7.9 eggs/female in the control after 120 days. The adult emergence recorded 100% in the control which is significantly decreased to 2% after nano - destruxin treatments after 120 days of application under laboratory conditions. Under store conditionsthe number of eggs laid /female were significantly decreased to 13.1±9.2 after nano - Destruxin treatments after 120 day, the percentage of adult emergence decreased to 4% after nano - destruxin treatments as compared to 99% in the control (Table 3).

Table 3. Effect of different treatments Plodia interpunctella under store conditions.

Storage interval  days Control Destruxin Nano-Destruxin
no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence (F1) no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence (F1) no. of eggs/♀±S.E. % adult emergence (F1)
20 11.0±5.1 87 7.4±2.5 11 2.1±6.3 1
45 59.1±5.5 90 17.4±8.5 20 3.4±9.5 1
90 84.5±3.7 95 31.8±1.5 30 11.2±1.1 10
120 99.7±1.3 99 18.8±1.8 18 13.1±9.2 4
F value 24.8 18,3 11.3
Lsd5% 11 14 10

Fig. 1. Infestation percentages under store conditions of Plodia interpunctella.

Fig. 2. Scanning electron microscopy nano-destruxin.

Table 3 show that the Indian meal moth P. interpunctella affected by the toxin treatments, the number of eggs laid/female were significantly decreased to 13.1±9.2 and 18.8±1.8after Destruxin and nano - Destruxin treatments as compared to 99.7±1.3eggs/female in the control after 120 days of storage.

Figure 1 show the infestations of the Indian meal moth P. interpunctella under store conditions which showed that the significant decrease of nano-destruxin  infestations.

Figure2 show the 200 nano-destruxin particles photo by scanning electron microscopy.

The same results obtained by [15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24] applied different doses of the essential oils Acorus calamus to seeds of green gram Viga radiate to protect them against Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and found that 1 ml/kg offered a high degree of protection up to a period of 135 days. Prolonged protection of the seeds was mainly due to a high adult mortality besides reduced oviposition and low hatching. [16] reported that foam sprayed with clove oil (5%) and placed between sacks caused the highest mortality. [25] reported that edible oils are potential control agents against P. interpunctella and play an important role in stored-grain protection. [15] mentioned that clove and eucalyptus oil vapours impaired the fecundity of bruchid beetles. Data proved promising oviposition deterrence toxicity and suppression of eggs and adult emergence. The effect of tested microbial control agents vapours on the reproduction of P. interpunctella was studied using the no choice test [5,6,7,8]. The reproduction of the weevils was reduced by the treatments with B. bassiana, followed by M. anisopliae and B. thuringiensis. Weevils laid eggs on treated seeds with B. bassiana but the number of eggs is always lower in treated seeds than in the control. [25]reported that edible oils are potential control agents against P. interpunctella and play an important role in stored-grain protection. [16] mentioned that clove and eucalyptus oil vapours impaired the fecundity of bruchid beetles. Data proved promising oviposition deterrence toxicity and suppression of eggs and adult emergence. [9], recorded that the LD50 for some formulations of B. bassiana was reduced It was suggested that the cutinophilic properties of the oil could allow a greater number of fungal conidia to penetrate the mouth parts of insects. Oil carriers can also distribute the inoculum over the thin intersegmental membranes, which are more readily penetrated by entomopathogic fungi [9]. The increase in the pathogenicity of B. bassiana combined with mustard oil to C. maculatus beetles may be attributed to some degradation occurring at the structural level of the integument, which could have facilitated the penetration of the cuticle by the germ tube of the fungus. Similar results were obtained by [26] in Manduca sexta treated with M. anisopliae and the chitin-synthesis inhibit or dimilin. Synergistic effects of a combined application of B. bassiana and the chloronicotinyl insecticide imidiaclopride on Diaprepes abbreviatus L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) were reported by [27]. Similar results obtained by [28,29]. In this respect, [23] applied different doses of essential oils of Acorus catamus seeds of green beans to protect them against pest infestation. Also, [21] reported that foam sprayed with clove oil (5%) and placed between sacks caused the highest mortality to C. maculatus. Similar results obtained by [30,31,32], and Similar results were found by [28,29,33,34].We choose gunny bags for further experiments due to their resistance compared to all other packing materials.the usage of the nano material were studied by[35] who used the nano chitosan and controlled the soya beans insects pests. Also, [36] who suggested that,the application of the bioinsecticides which affected on decreasing the infestation, the number of infestations of O. nubilalis, C. agamemnon and Sesamia cretica significantly decreased; [37] Using of entomopathogenic fungi due to reduction the number of eggs laid / female after being treated with B. brongniartii and N. rileyi as compared the control. The emerged adults were decreased and the yield weight of potatoes increased in plots treated with B. brongniartii and N. rileyi. The yields weight of potatoes were significantly in plots treated with B. brongniartii and N. rileyi as compared in the control during seasons 2013 & 2014. [38] When T. confusum treated with the nano imidaclorprid corresponding concentrations, the mortality percentage were significantly decreased to 70, 65 and 49 as compared to 2, 2 and 2 in the control. The mean number of the eggs laid /female of T. castaneum significantly decreased to when treated with imidaclorprid and nano imidaclorprid to 118.5 ± 2.1 and 18.6 ± 3.1 as compared to 289.9 ± 3.2 eggs/ female in the control .Larvae of T. confusum was more susceptible to the treatments than T. castaneum larvae, Nano-DE was more effective than natural-DE. The fecundity of tested insects was highly affected with both DE and nano-DE. The egg production was highly suppressed by nano-DE under stored conditions [39] .

4. Conclusion

Using of the nano-entomopathogenic fungi toxin (Destruxin)causing highly reduction in the number of eggs laid / female after being treated with Destruxin and nano-Destruxin as compared the control.

The emerged adults were decreased and the infestations percentages were significantly decreased under store conditions.


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