American Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2015 Publish Date: Jul. 10, 2015 Pages: 45-52

Relation Between Organizational Culture & Suggestions System

Kiamars Fadaei*

Department of Management, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


The present research intends to study any relation between organizational culture and suggestions system. It is an explanatory one from among different types of applicable researches and from method viewpoint. Therefore two separated questionnaires were applied for this purpose. The first one is related to organizational culture with 23 closed questions. The second one is related to measuring any cooperation through suggestions system. Upon ensuring about narration and survival of measuring tools, both questionnaires were distributed among members of a sample consisting of 30 persons of a statistical population including headquarter personnel of quarter areas of Education Department. According to the findings, there is a meaningful relation between organizational culture parameters and suggestions system. Finally there are some proposals for betterment and upgrading all cultural dimensions in order to have more promotion of suggestions system in mentioned organization.


Education, Organizational Culture, Suggestions System, Shiraz, Iran

1. Introduction

Organizational culture is the major factor in the formation and enrichment of effective parameters of different organizational systems. Also we have different organizations that may start cooperative management in order to benefit from different thoughts, ideas and innovations of their personnel as the most valuable capital in management of their affairs. For his purpose and distribution of this culture it is necessary to benefit from executive sub-systems as well. One of the most efficient of these systems is suggestion system to create a suitable mechanism and space for submission, receiving, considering, evaluation and performing any beneficiaries' proposals in order to obtain specified ideals. From the last two decades most studies explained different viewpoints and dimensions about organizational culture (Martin,1992; Countz, 2003; Shahin & Arash, 2003; Gupta, 2010).

Upon the approval of Cooperation System at Parliament, New York was the first state that started to have any proposals from the personnel and retired personnel (Suggestions Systems Bulletin, 2005). After World War II, Japanese noticed that system in American industries and promoted it gradually in their own industries. The suggestions system mostly focused on financial effects of any suggestion in U.S.A while it was emphasizing at Japan on cooperation aspects. Then financial motives replaced with group intends. When Japanese managers are asked: "What is the major goal of implementation of suggestions system?" none of them point out to finding a new product and/or new method for reducing of costs and/or more profits. In fact they do not consider any further direct economic consequences, but they may focus on personnel motivation and providing responsible personnel as the major goal of suggestions system (Kluwer, 2001),

Organizational culture: All people who are working in an organization may have common beliefs, ideas, values and orders which may construct the cultural structure of it. Generally we will have a new idea out of combination both terms of "Culture" & "Organization" none of which (culture & organization) have the same thought in itself. Organizational Culture is effective on all organizational aspects and today it is so much important in a way that most management specialists consider the main duty of organizational leaders to change and reform the situation of suitable cultural values. All organizational systems including the structure & behavior are under the effect of governing culture on the organization.

Followings are different descriptions for the culture: Culture is a collection of different aspects transfers from one generation to another for separation of different social groups. Half stud stated that "Culture is a group thinking program in which the members of a group and/or social class may be separated from other group members (Hofstede, 2001).

Accordingly it is possible to describe organizational culture as follows: Organizational culture returns back to all learned values, beliefs and behaviors from t he past and accompanied with different experiences in the history of organization which my intends to be revealed in major disciplines and behavior of the members.

2. Structure of Organizational Culture

Organizational culture means an exclusive pattern of all assumptions, values and common orders including all social activities, language, symbols and organizational functions. In order to have a better knowledge about organizational culture, it is better to know more its structure as follows:

Common assumptions: It include the following items:

Different thoughts and beliefs of persons about others and themselves as well (Pay attention to their own benefits against public interests), b) Different relations among members (Competition and/or cooperation), c) Organizational relations with the environment (Overcoming to the environment, cooperation and something like that) and d) Time tendency (Future, Present & Past).

Common values: Value is a basic fixed belief about different matters with considerable and meaningful importance for people.

Common social acceptance: It is a regular process according which some new members may enter into the organizational culture.

Common symbols: It means any obvious items which may be applied for showing a single common value and/or a special meaning.

Common language: It means a common system including different voices, written signs and/or points for transfer of special meaning among members

Common narrations: It means common stories, heroes and myths in an organizational culture.

Common functions: It means superficial ceremonies, special & official activities for creation of powerful sentimental and performing different jobs as a special accident (Moghimi, 2001).

3. The Organizational Culture Pattern in Present Research

There are different classifications for organizational culture. Queen (1999) made a classification for organizational culture which is the most complete one and the present research has been applied according which as well. Queen & Kerth specify the organizational culture including all major values, assumptions and definitions in different aspects of an organization which may be revealed in four types of organizational culture. These four types include hierarchy culture, conceptual culture, and ideological culture and agreed one. They have introduced 9 major organizational parameters in different types of organizational culture which are: The goal of organization, Operation criteria of the organization, Authority reference in the organization, Power resource, Manner of decision making, Leadership style, following up & acceptance method, Evaluation criterion of members and motivation of personnel (Quinn et al., 1999).

There is a special culture for all organizations including different behaviors of it. In order to have required effectiveness, all organizations should bear a concerned culture in compliance with the assignment, technology, volume of functions and other similar variations. Followings are major organizational parameters in which there is special situation for different organizational cultures:

Hierarchal culture

It means a culture in which the priority of jobs in an organization is based upon the grades in a way that the lower position is responsible against another position with upper class (Countz, 2003). Leaders make decisions according to some real analysis with more interests in maintenance and security.

Rational culture (Market)

The fundamental assumptions and basic values of market culture are based upon clear ideals and innovative strategy towards more profits and efficiency. All market –based organizations are interested in maintenance the competitors position and overcoming them by fixed situation of goals. We have a result-based job in this culture. All leaders are really insistent. The real factor of combination all parts is focusing on victory and long-term concepts, competitive functions and focusing on reaching the success and applying the goals. The term "success" in this culture means further cooperation and interferes in market (Quinn et al., 1999).

Ideological culture (Adhocracy)

The real ideal and goal belongs to all personnel in this culture with further controls through common orders (Mir Sepasi, 2001). After worldwide change from industrial age to the information decade we have the formation of the fourth form of the culture. This type of culture may reply to chaotic environments and speedy condition of 21st century. The fundamental assumptions of this culture are the real differences between this culture and previous ones. Innovation, novelty and pioneer situation are different assumptions which may enable the organizations to produce new services and products through which find more success. Adhocracy culture considers the major duty of management in promotion of job creation, innovation and focusing on priorities. It may benefit from innovation for more profits and interests. The real goal of ideological culture (adhocracy) is to support function criterion.

Any decision making procedures in these organizations is based upon the idea of the leaders about risk accepting and further innovations. The stuff may have no chance only to accept the made decisions in order to perform all organizational values. (Brown, 1995)

Consensual culture (Tribal)

In this culture we have different strategies through transfer of ideas and mutual regulations among the members. In fact it is not the case to following up only a special leadership center (Mir Sepasi, 2001). There is a friendly environment in consensual culture in which all members are involved in the work with each other. It is like a wide family. Leaders and supervisors are the fathers of the organization. Royalty and common habits and beliefs may provide a chain of different people. There is a high rate of obligation among people. The organization focuses on long-term benefits of promotion human resources and combination of people (Quinn et al., 1999).

Organizational goal

Goal means the final idea for which different organizations may create accordingly (Tabibi & Seyed, 2005).

Performance measure

By determining a criterion for different organizations may enable them to answer to this question: "Why should we spend their resources for these activities?" (Tabibi & Seyed, 2005).

Armstrong & Baron (2006) stated that all functions criterion should:

Be related with strategic criteria and goals which are important for the organization and may promote the business.

Be related with the goals and replies of considered groups and people.

Provide different documents as the basics of measurement.

Be approvable and provide different information confirming the expectations.

Be precious in compliance with evaluation goal and further access to data.

Provide a valid base for required feedback and functions (Armstrong & Baron, 2006).

Power Resource & Authority reference in organization

Power has a wide meaning than authority. It points out to the ability of people or groups in interfere in the beliefs or actions of people or other groups. Authority in organization means making any effective decisions on others. In fact authority is the same of power, but power has an organizational situation (Countz, 2003).

Decision making

The major duty of managers is to make decision. This is because they are obliged to make decision about what should be done, who should do the same, required time, place of work performance and even about manner of job performance. Decision making is the important part of managers' activities and in fact is the nature of it.

Leadership Style

It means general form of leader's functions as it is understood by the personnel. Leadership style means manner of benefiting from the power and interference by a leader. Most of specialists in management believe that leadership style of a manager is under the effect of its attitude towards its own role and its personnel.

If it considers the personnel as some people under his supervision and orders, probably it may create a conservative style. But if it considers the personnel as its own colleagues and assumes that it has only more responsibilities (in comparison with others) then it may apply cooperative & liberal styles (Rezaeian, 2006).

4. Acceptance

It means a method in which all personnel may following up a special item and/or person. It is also the manner of acceptance of all organization personnel depending upon the traditional and/or non-traditional leaders of the organization. A non-traditional leader is a person who makes its followers to sacrifice all their benefits in favor of the organization. It may have deep effects on its own followers. This group of people may change other people by their personal power and abilities. They may inject the value of works in them. For instance and for more supports of the leader a follower may say:" I will walk on fire if my leader orders me!"

Assessment criterion of members

Any assessment of function may be limited to applying different techniques for producing of operational information (Greiling & Dorothea, 2006). Today assessment philosophy may focus on current application and future goals of personnel and also cooperation of personnel in mutual obtaining of goals and with the help of the supervisor. Followings are the major signs of modern assessment philosophy: Making direction for the application; Focusing on the goals & ideals; Specifying the goals with mutual consulting between the supervisor and employee.

Personnel motivation

Motivation is to encourage the personnel to do a job for obtaining suitable ideals of the organization. It may be constructive and/or destructive. People with suitable motivation have high rate of self-control and in contrast those with lack of motivation have no more controls. Official relations may remove any motivations in personnel. In other words the basic item in motivation is non-official relations among personnel (Efjeh & Seyed, 2006).

5. Suggestions System

It concludes both concepts of "system" and "proposals". "System" means a collection of different parts with mutual effects on each other for finding a common goal (Moghimi, 2006). "Proposal" is an idea which may be accepted and/or rejected. Moghimi (2006) explains the suggestions system as follows: "Suggestions system" means an official defined procedure created and controlled by the master manager in order to receive voluntarily ideas of personnel for betterment of organizational functions in different aspects. "System" needs a method for payment of allowance against accepted proposals by the personnel Generally, suggestions system is a written system for activating the mentality of people and applying their ideas for further betterment of organizational activities (Pizam, 1978; Ramezani & Jalal, 2005).

6. Research Theories

Theory means a hypothetical and temporary reply to the research question. It is any assumptions and conservative ideas of the researcher about probable replies to the considered problem which is followed up for any acceptance rejection in practical researches. Therefore, all theories of this research may be divided into two major and indirect theories as follows:

Major theory

There is a meaningful relation between parameters of organizational culture from view point of Queen and suggestions system.

Indirect theories

   There is a meaningful relation between goal determination of organization and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between the function criterion and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between the following up method and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between power source and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between decision making and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between motivation and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between the leadership style and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between assessment criterion of members and suggestions system.

   There is a meaningful relation between authority resource and suggestions system.

Statistical population of the research: Statistical population in accordance with the idea of most researchers is all real or virtual members interested in findings of the research in a way to be in common at least in one objective (Abedini, 2011).

Education Department of Fars province is responsible for planning, supervision, handling and controlling of 19 Education departments of the city and 39 areas, one education department of movable tribes, one department of exceptional education and 19 agents. Education Department of Fars province has 4 independent districts which are active under the supervision of the Education Department of Fars Province. As a result the statistical population of present research includes all personnel of four folded aerial headquarter of Shiraz Education Dept. Total number of society is 421 persons with separate distribution in district 1 (113 persons), district 2 (96 persons, district 3 (101 persons) and district 4 (111 persons).

7. Sampling Method

Sampling method by which different units are selected as a sign of greater society (Khaki & Gholamreza, 2007). There are various sampling methods including non-harmonized sampling method, random simple sampling method, random classified systematic sampling method, Cluster sampling method, Sharing sampling method and combined sampling method (Sokaran & Ouma, 2007). We employed clustering sample method so that it is possible to define sampling unit which is "Organization". At first we may select different organizations (cluster) by simple random method and then appointed required number of personnel from among these organizations (Azar et al., 2006). Then in next step, the researcher may benefit from simple random sampling method for selecting of respondents at four folded areas.

Specifying the sample volume: In order to specify sample volume, it is possible to apply following formulation (Hosseini & Seyed, 2004).

According to the mentioned formulation, the sample volume was 165 persons.

8. Data Collection Tools

a.   Library information including any study and considering domestic & foreign books and magazines and browsing in data bases (internet) and also benefitting from experiences of other researchers in order to fin theoretical basics of research

b.   Benefiting from the questionnaire as the major tools of data collection for finding out the considered data

We used two separated questionnaires in this research. The first one is related to organizational culture and submitted by the use of presented model by Quinn et al. (1999) and prepared by Half Stud in the form of 23 close questions. The second one is related to measuring any cooperation through suggestions system.

The results of further studies of research theories: First indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between goal determination of organization and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.001. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between goal determination of organization and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Second indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between the function criterion and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between function criterion and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Third indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between the following up method and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between following up method and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Fourth indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between power source and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between power source and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Fifth indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between decision making and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between decision making and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Sixth indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between motivation and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between motivation and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Seventh indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between the leadership style and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between leadership style and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Eighth indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between assessment criterion of members and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between assessment criterion and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

The results of further studies of research theories: Ninth indirect theory: There is a meaningful relation between authority resource and suggestions system. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between authority resource and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95.

Major question of research: What is the relation between organizational culture parameters and suggestions system? For responding to this question, there is a theory in the format of major theory of research. Followings are the results of considering this theory (Venkatesan et al., 2011).

Major theory: There is a meaningful relation between organizational culture parameters and suggestions system from the point of view of Queen. By applying relevant test method with insurance level of %95, we had Sig=0.000. Since we have Sig<0.05, therefore we reject zero theory and accept the opposite one. It means a meaningful relation between organizational culture parameters and suggestions system. As a result the first indirect theory is confirmed with insurance level of %95 )Table1).

Table 1. Average test.

Area Test value=3
Statistics of t test Freedom degree df Meaningful level Sig Average difference Insurance distance of %95 for average difference
Low level High level
1 613.3- 43 999.0 3078.0- 4797.0- 1360.0-
2 177.6 37 000.0 6387.0 4292.0 8483.0
3 978.7- 39 1 6840.0- 8575.0- 5106.0-
4 988.7 42 000.0 5158.0 3855.0 6462.0

9. Obtained Results Out of Freedman Test

We studied nine organizational culture parameters in this research which would be classified by the use of Freedman test. Findings show that from among organizational culture variants in this research leadership style has the first position and motivation has the last position from the viewpoint of personnel and respondents.

10. Pathology of Suggestions System at Four Folded Districts of Education

In this part we considered the average grades of suggestions system at four folded districts of education and compared it with suitable situation. There are various tests for the average of society (s). According to the number of these populations, there are different tests for the quantities of variations and their further relations. Since we intend to consider the average grade of a group, it is necessary to apply t test of a sample for pathology of suggestions system.

Table 2. The results of Pierson combination test for major theory.

Combination coefficient Organizational culture Sign 1.000 0 165 0.667 0.00 165
Combination coefficient Suggestions system Sign 0.667 0.00 165 1.000 0 165

We considered the average grades higher than 3 as the suitable situation and lower /equal to three as a non-suitable condition. The results of present research show that central & distributed indexes of different grades are located in four folded areas as mentioned in Table 2. Area 2 and three have respectively the maximum and minimum rates among different areas.

Theory test:

Suggestions system has a non-suitable situation at different areas.

TSuggestions system has a suitable situation at different areas (Table 3).

Table 3. Explanatory statistics of suggestions system in four folded areas.

Area Qty Average Criteria deviation Deviation of average criteria
1 44 69221.2 5652.0 0852.0
2 38 6388.3 6374.0 1034.0
3 40 3159.2 5423.0 0857.0
4 43 5159.3 4234.0 0645.0

We have Sig<0.05 at areas 2 & 4, therefore H0 theory was rejected and the opposite theory accepted accordingly. Therefore suggestions system has a suitable situation in these areas. We have Sig>0.05 at areas 1 &3, therefore it is possible to accept theory H0. Therefore suggestions system has a suitable situation in these areas.

11. Conclusions & Proposals

Regarding a direct relation between organizational culture and suggestions system, it is expected to have a tendency towards ideological culture and agreed/cooperative culture in the organization which may make a serious situation and enriching the proposals. Therefore, in order to have a tendency to these cultures, it is recommended to:

1    Reject any direct supervision on personnel and make them free for any further works.

2    Provide and establish different work groups and teams.

3    Set aside enough time for leading and training of your personnel rather than group behavior with them.

4    Providing special attention to all of them and assisting for developing their abilities and skills.

5    Establish suitable evaluation system for assisting the personnel find their real rights and situation.

6    Rather to pay attention to the necessities of higher levels, it is necessary to consider all materialistic needs of personnel.

7    Write job promotion programs (guidelines) and tries to assign the positions in accordance with their priorities.

8    In addition to study of any relation between organizational culture and suggestions system, the present research managed to have pathology of suggestions system in different education departments. Therefore, with regard the non-suitable situation of this variant at districts 1 & 3, we recommend all managers to do the followings:

a)  In order to establish suggestions system in an organization it is necessary to provide required pre-requisite. One of the most important and effective factors is suitable culture making and suitable organizational culture. We discussed the matter of culture as mentioned above. In addition to organizational culture we are facing with a new plan in the organization, therefore we should consider some written programs for preparing culture change in the organization.

b)  It is necessary to write required instructions and rules for performing of suggestions system.

c)   We should consider a suitable allowance in compliance with a proposal. It is necessary to submit any allowances in a format of a package and make them free to select one of them with their own preference.

d)  Allowances should be granted through an official ceremony and in presence of other personnel.

e)  The real philosophy of performing suggestions system is to establish a cooperative management style in the organization. Therefore it is recommended to benefit from presented proposals in any organizational decision making.

f)   Establishment and providing different sessions in which we may study the suggestions system and notify the personnel about the project results.


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