American Journal of Information Science and Computer Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, July 2016 Publish Date: Jul. 21, 2016 Pages: 29-44

H-crystal as a Core Structure in Multilayer Weighted Networks

Simon S. Li1, 2, Xia Lin3, Xiaozhong Liu4, Fred Y. Ye1, 2,*

1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

2Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing, China

3College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA

4School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA


Extending the network h-core in single layer weighted networks, a method to extract a multilayer weighted network’s core structure, called h-crystal, has been proposed and verified. By applying the algorithms of h-degree and h-strength to each individual layer, a network’s h-core consisting of all the nodes having the h-degree above within edges and an h-subnet consisting of all the edges having the h-strength above with the nodes adjacent to the edges had been obtained, for each layer, at first. H-crystal is then identified by constructing layer-bridges between the layers’ network h-cores and h-subnets. Via two empirical cases of information networks, it is found that the h-crystals of the networks exist, while their features and properties are revealed.


H-degree, H-strength, Network H-core, H-subnet, H-crystal, Multilayer Networks, Weighted Network, Information Network, Heterogeneous Network

1. Introduction

Stimulated by Watts & Strogatz [1] and Barabási & Albert [2] among others, the term complex networks became a household word among the 21th century scientists, leading to new developments in network (i.e. graph) theory, dynamics of networks, social networks, ecological networks, infrastructure related networks, molecular networks, spatial scientometrics, informetrics, webometrics as well as cognitive networks [3-9].

While most studies of classical complex networks focus on single-layer networks [6, 10], new research on complex networks often focuses on multilayer networks [11-12], multiplex network [13-15], and hierarchical and heterogeneous networks [7-9]. In the long review of Boccaletti et al. [12], the characteristics of a multilayer network had been defined, where a graph G with different layers  and  had common elements as interconnections. Then a multiplex network was defined as a special type of multilayer network.

Meanwhile, the classical homogeneous scholarly graph contains one type of nodes only, either author nodes, keyword nodes, or document nodes. The heterogeneous scholarly graph, on the other hand, characterizes the complex relations between different kinds of nodes, and various types of paths provide great potential to interconnect different research objects, i.e., publications, terms, authors, venues, etc. [16-20], which enriched the studies of multilayer heterogeneous networks.

Moreover, after h-index was introduced [21], its applications in homogeneous networks have been discussed [22]. In our early work, we have extended the h-index to h-degree, h-strength and h-subnets [23-25], to reveal network properties and core structures. In this paper, we continue extending the h-type terminology to multilayer (and heterogeneous) networks, which may apply to reveal the core structure of multilayer weighted networks, address the core documents and look potential applications in three-dimensional (3D) visualization.

In this research, we focus on the multilayer weighted networks and translate the h-type concepts and methods from single-layer networks to multilayer networks. In Particular, we proposed and studied a new multilayer core, h-crystal, for investigating core structure and context in the multilayer weighted networks. While similarity method was used to explore "core documents" [26-28] in single-layer (and homogeneous) networks, h-crystal can be a new method to identify another kind of core structures in multilayer (and heterogeneous) networks.

2. Methodology

It is well known that a network or graph consists of nodes and edges (links) [6,29,30]. When nodes and edges represent information-related objects, we refer to such networks as information networks. Figure 1 shows some objects used to build information networks in scientific literature, and different objects and edges may belong to different types.

Fig. 1. Information network relations in document.

Co-authorship networks, co-citation networks, bibliographic coupling networks and similar networks are examples of (homogeneous) single-layer networks, which host only the same kind of information. Now, following Boccaletti et al. [12], we consider several aspects simultaneously, leading to a multilayered structure. For example, we may consider the three layers illustrated in Figure 2: a co-citation layer, a bibliographic coupling layer and a co-keyword layer, which can be integrated into a multilayered graph within more scholarly information, comparing with single-layer network. This construction is an example of a multilayer network in which constituents, i.e. nodes and edges, are consist of different layers. In these examples nodes are papers (layers 1 and 2) and terms (layer 3), while edges have different meanings as well, namely referring to co-citation, bibliographic coupling and being co-keywords.

Fig. 2. An example of a multilayer information network.

In the following sections, along the h-type core structure in the single-layer networks, we extend h-type concepts from the single-layer networks to the multilayer networks.

2.1. Characterizing and Measuring the Core Structure of Single-Layer Network

Taking the lead from Hirsch’s h-index [21] we introduced the notions of h-degree, for nodes, and h-strength, for edges [23-25]. These notions can be used to characterize weighted networks.

Definition 1 [23]. The h-degree (dh) of node n in a weighted network is equal to dh(n) if dh(n) is largest natural number such that node n has at least dh(n) links each with strength at least equal to dh(n).

Using the notion of an h-degree leads to a network’s h-core, a substructure of the complete network.

Definition 2. A network’s h-core is set of nodes and their links, that all have an h-degree at least h.

It is important to point out that the h-degree (dh) is a node-based measure, while a network’s h-core is a set of the nodes and their links.

The h-strength is also introduced as follows [25]:

Definition 3. The h-strength (hs) of a network is equal to hs, if hs is the largest natural number such that there are hs links each with strength at least equal to hs in the network.

The h-strength characterizes the core edges of a network in terms of link strengths. Dually to the notion of network’s h-core we now define the h-subnet.

Definition 4. The h-subnet of a network is a sub-network consisting of all edges with strengths larger than or equal to the h-strength of the network and the nodes adjacent to these edges.

Note that h-strength (hs) is a measure defined on edges and h-subnet includes all the edges and their nodes. The h-strength is an edge-based measure, while h-subnet is a set of the edges and their nodes. All these informetric indicators characterize the importance of the nodes within one layer.

A simple numbered example for identifying the network’s h-core and the h-subnet in a single-layer weighted network can be explained as shown as Figure 3.

Fig. 3. A numbered example of network’s h-core and h-subnet in single-layer network.

In Figure 3, the graph (a) is a weighted network within 6 nodes, where each node has its h-degree as A:3, B:1, C:2, D:2, E:1 and F:1 so that the subgraph (b) consisted by the nodes with h-degree ≥ 2 as well as their links yields the network’s h-core, while the weights of 7 edges in the graph (a) rank as 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1 and lead the h-strength equaling to 3 so that all edges with weights ≥ 3 generates h-subnet, i.e. subgraph (c).

2.2. Characterizing and Measuring the Core Structure of a Multilayer Network

It is necessary and important to find the core structure or sub-structure of a complex multilayer network [8], for judging the relatively important nodes and edges as well as their functions in the multilayer network. For the aim, we first introduce the notion of a layer bridge to connect the core structures of all single-layer networks so that we can approach the core structure of the multilayer network.

Definition 5. If two nodes in two layers of a multilayer network represent the same object, these nodes are artificially linked, which are called layer-bridges of the multilayer network.

When two layers in a multilayer network have layer-bridges they are connected, otherwise, they are not. The network’s h-core and the h-subnet are sub-structures of single-layer weighted networks, which might not be connected. When all layers are connected through layer-bridges, this may lead to the complete connected graph of the multilayer network.

Combing h-degree, h-strength with layer-bridges, linking through multilayer network’s h-cores and h-subnets, a core structure of whole multilayer weighted network, called h-crystal, is defined as follows.

Definition 6. The h-crystal is a core structure existing in a multilayer weighted network which consists of all network’s h-cores and h-subnets in each layer of the network, connected by layer-bridges between two layers.

By definition, an h-crystal is a core structure, linking through network’s h-cores and h-subnets in all layers via layer-bridges, where h-crystal must be connected. If there is only unconnected or broken structure, we say that h-crystal does not exist in the multilayer weighted network. Here, the layer-bridges between two layers link the really same nodes (same documents). As the h-core and h-subnet among single-layer networks are connected by the bridges, h-crystal will be connected and lead unique core structure in the multilayer weighted network so long as h-crystal exists.

A simple numbered example for identifying the h-crystal in a multilayer weighted network can be explained as shown as Figure 4.

Fig. 4. A numbered example of h-crystal in multilayer network.

In Figure 4, both the graph (a) and graph (b) are weighted networks, respectively, within 6 nodes, which construct a two-layer network, where there are two same nodes (A and F). After computing and formulating the network’s h-cores and h-subnets of (a)-layer and (b)-layer similarly to Figure 3, the h-crystal can be generated by connecting same A and F as layer-bridges.

It is noted that there are only few methods for extracting network core in a complex network. In homogeneous single-layer networks, we can mention k-core [31] and backbone [8]. However, the methods focus on node degree and cannot be applied to multilayer weighted networks. Here, we compute k-cores in each layer and put them together as a comparison. As both k-core and backbone need artificial parameters for approaching results, in which we cannot determine the changeable parameter α for backbone and we may set k=h for extracting k-core according to node degree, we compare with k-core only.

2.3. The Procedure of Identifying H-crystal

In next empirical studies, a multilayer network is constructed by a co-citation layer, a bibliographic coupling layer and a co-keyword layer, where the h-crystal of the multilayer network can be identified as three steps as illustrated in Figure 5, in the weighted network.

Step 1: Extracting the network’s h-core using the algorithm of h-degree in each layer;

Step 2: Finding the h-subnet using the algorithm of h-strength in each layer;

Step 3: Constructing layer-bridges through linking the same nodes in two layers.

Fig. 5. Identifying the h-crystal in a multilayer network.

The dark black nodes and edges in Figure 5 mark the network’s h-core, and the white nodes with edges form the h-subnet. The same paper nodes in Layer 1 and Layer 2 construct layer-bridges between Layer 1 and Layer 2, and the same keywords in different papers in Layer 2 and Layer 3 produce layer-bridges between Layer 2 and Layer 3. As the co-citation layer, bibliographic coupling layer and co-keyword layer are linked by layer-bridges, we got connected h-crystal.

Pseudocodes for identifying h-crystal in a multilayer network are provided in Appendix 1. While we draw 2D diagram with using the open-source software packages NetDraw (cf., we prefer to create 3D diagram with using Mage (cf., for clear crystal effects and potential 3D visualization developments.

3. Empirical Studies

Practical experiments have been run to test the above method of identifying h-crystal in a multilayer network.

3.1. Datasets and Experiments

Two sets of data were generated from the Web of Science (WoS) for the experiment:

(1) The document set referred to as the "h-set", which is retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) by the following search strategy: TS= (h-index OR h-type ind* OR h-like ind* OR Hirsch index) OR TI="An index to quantify*" in the WoS for the publication period 2005-2012. Results were restricted to the two fields Information Science & Library Science and Multidisciplinary Sciences.

(2) The document set referred to as the "GR&SM-set", which is retrieved by the search strategy: TS= (General relativity) AND TS=(Standard model) in the database SCI-E for the publication period 1915-2012, without other restrictions.

The data sets were downloaded on August 1, 2014.

These two data sets represent two multilayer information networks with a combination of a co-citation network, a bibliographic coupling network and a co-keyword network (including the keywords in the ID and DS records). Tables 1 and 2 show the main features of these multilayer weighted networks.

Table 1. Multilayer weighted network parameters of the "h-set".

Type Co-citation network Bibliographic coupling network Co-keyword network
number of nodes 6614 484 1237
number of edges 467,151 89,123 11,718
h-degree 15 12 8
number of nodes in the network’s h core 20 23 14
h-strength 40 27 21
number of nodes in the network’s h core and h subnet 27 38 20
number of edges in the network’s h core and h subnet 199 263 103

Table 2. Multilayer weighted network parameters of the "GR&SM-set".

Type Co-citation network Bibliographic coupling network Co-keyword network
number of nodes 22,434 625 2142
number of edges 1,684,501 22,972 20,563
h-degree 10 12 7
number of nodes in the network’s h core 17 15 8
h-strength 20 35 15
number of nodes in the network’s h core and h subnet 21 36 11
number of edges in the network’s h core and h subnet 105 85 34

3.2. The H-crystal of the "H-set"

The h-crystal identified by the h-crystal procedure for the "h-set" is shown in Figure 6, where A refers to the co-citation layer, B to the bibliographic coupling layer and C to the co-keyword layer. Linked nodes between layers A and B represent the same papers, i.e. A270=B195, and so on.

Fig. 6. H-crystal of the dataset "h-set".

In Figure 6, the A-type nodes express the core nodes of the co-citation network (A-core); B-type nodes mark the core nodes of the bibliographic coupling network (B-core), while C-type nodes refer to the core nodes of the co-keyword network (C-core). To illustrate the network structural information, we select the top five core nodes and rank according to their betweenness centralities, shown in Table 3, which form the core of the multilayer weighted network.


Table 3. Top 5 core nodes by betweenness centrality (denoted as bc) in the h-crystal of the "h-set".

Layer of co-citation network Layer of bibliographic coupling network Layer of co-keyword network
Core node bc Core node bc Core node bc
A4063 0.46 B296 0.1934 C462 0.5439
A2778 0.3569 B116 0.0713 C493 0.5234
A2387 0.2985 B53 0.043 C547 0.1345
A1802 0.0554 B120 0.0368 C440 0.0673
A1446 0.0554 B391 0.0345 C1045 0.0497

All these core nodes can be observed in Figure 6.

3.3. The H-crystal of "GR&SM-set"

Applying the h-crystal procedure to the "GR&SM-set", a similar h-crystal can be created and shown in Figure 7, where 3D-visual graphs are given, with similar A, B, C layers and symbols as in the previous example.

Fig. 7. H-crystal of the dataset "GR&SM-set".

Similarly, we list in Table 4 the top five core nodes according to their betweenness centrality. They form the core of the network core in the multilayer weighted network.

Table 4. Top 5 core nodes by betweenness centrality (bc) in the h-crystal of the "GR&SM-set".

Layer of co-citation network Layer of bibliographic coupling network Layer of co-keyword network
Core node bc Core node bc Core node bc
A17064 0.4363 B436 0.1914 C890 0.3667
A7032 0.1962 B330 0.1805 C448 0.2444
A17975 0.1224 B331 0.1227 C838 0.2
A5702 0.1221 B503 0.0426 C351 0.1778
A12620 0.1198 B377 0.0319 C2031 0.0667

Again, all these core nodes can easily be observed in the visual representations in Figure 7.

As a comparison, we also list the total numbers of nodes of both h-crystal and k-core in two datasets, as shown in Table 5, in which the k-core is calculated by k-core function in the software package Networkx (, with setting k=h-degree in each layer then summing the nodes of all layers together. Here, the A, B, C three layers’ k-cores of dataset ‘h-set’ contain nodes as 6222, 471, 924 when k=15, 12, 8 respectively, with same nodes between A and B as 288, so that the total nodes of k-core become 6222+471+924-288=7329. Similarly, the A, B, C three layers’ k-cores of dataset ‘GR&SM-set’ contain nodes as 22345, 530, 1888 when k=10, 12, 7 respectively, with same nodes between A and B as 95, so that the total nodes of k-core are 22345+530+1888-95=24668.

Table 5. Total nodes of the h-crystal and k-core.

Dataset "h-set" Dataset "GR&SM-set"
Nodes of h-crystal Nodes of k-core Nodes of h-crystal Nodes of k-core
81 7329 66 24668
Node percentage of h-crystal vs. k-core (%) Node percentage of h-crystal vs. k-core (%)
1.1 0.26

Comparing the nodes in h-crystal and k-core, we find that all nodes of h-crystal are covered by the nodes of k-core (while k=h-degree), which means h-crystal is real core. However, h-crystal is much smaller (only about 1% nodes of k-core) and k-core may be unconnected, so that h-crystal may become the minimum connected core in a multilayer weighted network.

The above two empirical cases demonstrate that an ‘h-crystal’ can be identified in real-world multilayer information networks and h-crystal can form the core structure of a multilayer weighted network, which could lead to effective applications for extracting and judging important core. The documents of the core nodes of the A- and the B-layer are listed in Appendices 2 and 3. It is clear that those nodes provide the key information for the constructed multilayer networks. For example, the first ranked items at the A-layers are Hirsch’s original article (A2778) introducing the h-index in "h-set" and Reiss et al.’s famous paper (A17975) on the accelerating universe that led to the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics, which are really the most important documents.

4. Analysis and Discussion

As the h-crystal consists of core nodes (nodes in the network’s h-core), core edges (edges in the h-subnet) in each single-layer weighted networks, and layer-bridges in-between two layers, we can derive some of their theoretical properties following the ideas of an h-degree and h-strength [23-25]. Actually, the analytical properties of h-crystal can be obtained by merging all the layers’ network’s h-cores and h-subnets, where network’s h-cores generated by nodes following h-degree algorithm and h-subnets by edges following h-strength algorithm. However, as there is complex mathematical structure in multilayer networks [11], a general result has not yet been reached.

4.1. The Nodes of the H-crystal

Consider a multilayer weighted network consisting of three layers A, B and C, with NA, NB and NC nodes, and the three layers have the h-degree NAh, NBh and NCh, respectively. Suppose that the numbers of nodes that the node’s h-degree equals NAh, NBh and NCh are NAd, NBd and NCd respectively. Let NAh-cs, NBh-cs and NCh-cs represent number of nodes in the network’s h-core and h-subnet, NAh-s, NBh-s and NCh-s denote nodes in the h-subnet only (except nodes in the network’s h core). If the number of same nodes of NAh and NBh is NAB and that of NBh and NCh is NBC, the total number of nodes in the h-crystal (Nh-crystal) can be calculated by following formulas







In our examples, we find that the Nh-crystal=27+38+20 -4-0=81 for the "h-set" and Nh-crystal=21+36+11 -2-0=66 for ‘GR&SM-set’, theoretically.

If the total number of nodes N = NA + NB + NC and Nh= NAh +NBh +NCh, in which node i has degree di, with h-degree hi, we get




This means that Nh-crystal is restricted by N and Nh.

4.2. The Edges of the H-crystal

Suppose that a multilayer weighted network consists of three layers A, B and C, with number of edges LA, LB and LC respectively, each with h-strength LAh, LBh and LCh and the numbers of edges for which the edge’s h-strength equals LAh, LBh and LCh are LAd, LBd and LCd respectively. Let LAh-cs, LBh-cs and LCh-cs represent number of edges in the network’s h-core and h-subnet. If the number of links of two layers A, B is LAB and that of two layers B, C is LBC, the total number of edges of the h-crystal (Lh-crystal) is:


In our cases, for ‘h-set’, the Lh-crystal=199+263+103+0+207=772; for ‘GR&SM-set’, Lh-crystal=105+85 +34 +0+96=320.

If the total number of edges L= LA + LB + LC and Lh= LAh +LBh +LCh, with weights sj in edge j and, we obtain



where  is the sum of the total weight of all edges in the network and L indicates total edges.

It is worth to point out that our results show general ways to reach the core structure of both multilayer and heterogeneous networks, as the h-crystal covers heterogeneous structure (where co-keyword is different from co-citation and bibliographic coupling), though the three layers belong to homogeneous layer each respectively.

4.3. Potential Applications

The h-crystal revealed a core structure in a multilayer weighted network, which could be useful in three-dimensional (3D) visualization. In a complex network, it is impossible to show all nodes and edges in visualization, so that it is important to find and show the core nodes and edges. The h-crystal provides a potential way to approach the core structure in weighted networks, so that it may be meaningful in future studies.

Meanwhile, the h-crystal can tell the most significant core objects in a multilayer (and heterogeneous) graphical environment, so that it may reveal important core information.

4.4. Limitation of H-crystal

In this paper, we show only how h-crystal can be defined and constructed in a multilayer weighted network. As there are complex cases for different constitutes of h-crystals (such as different choice of layers), we have not attempted to provide a mathematical proof for the generalizability of the h-crystal. Also, although we tried various centralities, we only chose betweenness centrality for showing typical comparison and k-core for core comparison.

More researches will need to be done to validate and extend the h-crystal method to general multilayer (and heterogeneous) networks in future.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, a new method to find a core structure in a multilayer weighted network of information, called h-crystal, has been introduced. The core structure represents the most significant nodes and edges in the network thus this method can be applied to simplify multilayer weighted networks. Moreover, the h-crystal integrates core nodes and edges of the multilayer weighted network, for which important information of the multilayer weighted network can be obtained.

Other core structures may exist in multilayer and heterogeneous weighted networks, depending on the operationalization of the notion of a core. Yet, h-crystal can be considered a basic one and it has highly simplified efficiency. Like all the other h-type measures, h-crystal will be an efficient method for identifying and selecting objects from large information. A potential application of h-crystal, which we are currently working on, is a retrieval system with 3D visualization displays. The h-crystal-based system will show the retrieved document set in 3D with the core documents highlighted and with interactions to allow the user to interact with the 3D structure of the whole h-crystal.

Although multilayer weighted information networks are only one kind of multilayer weighted networks, the h-crystal methodology can be generalized to other types of weighted networks. Currently, our case study addresses only undirected multilayer weighted information networks, leaving directed multilayer as well as heterogeneous weighted networks for future investigations. Also, the dynamical issues leave for future works.


We acknowledge the financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No 71173187 and the Jiangsu Key Laboratory Fund, thank Dr. Ronald Rousseau and Dr. Ludo Waltman as well as anonymous reviewers, for their helpful comments.

Appendix 1: Pseudocodes of the H-crystal Algorithm

Algorithm1 generate bibliographic coupling network

Input: the record data of WoS

Output: bibliographic coupling network and the node information

Initialize the empty bibliographic coupling network

Initialize the sparse matrix M

for each record r in the record data of WoS do

for each reference c in the record r do

Mßadd the ID of the record r, the ID of the reference c and 1

the node informationßadd the node information of the record

end for

end for

MßM * M.T

for each nonzero element aij in M do

bibliographic coupling networkßadd i, j, aij into the Graph

end for

Return bibliographic coupling network, the node information

Algorithm2 generate co-citation network

Input: the record data of WoS

Output: co-citation network and the node information

Initialize the empty co-citation network

for each record in the record data of WoS do

for the reference cj in the references of the record do

for the reference cj in the references of the record do

if i < j then

if the reference ci and the reference cj in the co-citation network then

the weight of edge between the reference ci and the reference cj <-1

elseif then

co-citation network ßadd the ID of reference ci, the ID of the reference cj and 1

the node informationßadd the node information of the reference

end if

end if

end for

end for

end for

Return co-citation network, the node information

Algorithm3 generate co-term network

Input: the content of ID and DE field in the record data of WoS

Output: co-term network and the node information

Initialize the empty co-term network

for each record in the record data of WoS do

for the term ti in the content of ID and DE field of the record do

for the term tj in the content of ID and DE field of the record do

if i < j then

if the term ti and the term tj in the co-term network then

the weight of edge about the term ti and the term tj <-1

elseif then

co-term network ßadd the ID of term ti, the ID of the term tj and 1

the node informationßadd the node information of the term

end if

end if

end for

end for

end for

Return co-term network, the node information

Algorithm4 compute h core and h subnet of each layer network

InputG(bibliographic coupling network/co-citation network/co-term network)

Output: h core and h subnet of the corresponding network

Initialize the empty h core and h subnet of G

for each node n in G do

h degree of the node ß n has at least h(n) links each with strength at least equal to h(n)

end for

h degree of the Gß h index of h degree of every node in G

for each node n in G do

if h degree of node n >= h degree of the G then

h core of Gßadd node n into h core of Gmeanwhile add the link if node n have a link with other nodes in h core of G

end if

end for

h strenth of the Gßh index of the strenth of every edge in G

for each edge e in G do

if the strength of edge e >= h strenth of the G then

h subnet of Gßadd edge e into h subnet of G

end if

end for

h core and h subnet of G ß combine h core of G with h subnet of G

Return h core and h subnet of G

Algorithm5 construct bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-citation network

Input: h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network, h core and h subnet of co-citation network

Output: bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-citation network

for each node ni in h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network do

for each node nj in h core and h subnet of co-citation network do

if ni equal nj then

bridge relations ßconstruct a link between node ni and node nj

end if

end for

end for

Return bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-citation network

Algorithm6 construct bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-term network

Input: h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network, h core and h subnet of co-term network

Output: bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-term network

for each node ni in h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network do

for each node nj in h core and h subnet of co-term network do

if ni associated with nj then

bridge relations ßconstruct a link between node ni and node nj

end if

end for

end for

Return bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-term network

Algorithm7 construct h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks

Input: h core and h subnet of co-citation network, h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network, h core and h subnet of co-term network, bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-citation network, bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-term network

Output: h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks

Initialize the empty graph(h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks)

h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks ß combine(h core and h subnet of co-citation network ,h core and h subnet of bibliographic coupling network, h core and h subnet of co-term network, bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-citation network, bridge relations between bibliographic coupling network and co-term network)

if h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks is connected then

h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks is existing

end if

Return h crystal of heterogeneous weighted networks

Appendix 2 A- and B- Core Nodes in H-crystal of "H-set", Ranked by Total Citations (TC)

A2778* Hirsch, JE An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2005 1828
A1802* Egghe, L Theory and practise of the g-index SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 440
A4063* Meho, LI; Yang, K Impact of data sources on citation counts and rankings of LIS faculty: Web of science versus scopus and google scholar JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 260
A6002 Van Raan, AFJ Comparison of the Hirsch-index with standard bibliometric indicators and with peer judgment for 147 chemistry research groups SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 239
A2779 Hirsch, JE Does the h index have predictive power? PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2007 226
A943 Braun, T; Glanzel, W; Schubert, A A Hirsch-type index for journals SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 198
A3092 Jin, BH; Liang, LM; Rousseau, R; Egghe, L The R- and AR-indices: Complementing the h-index CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2007 194
A582 Ball, P Index aims for fair ranking of scientists NATURE 2005 174
A671 Batista, PD; Campiteli, MG; Kinouchi, O; Martinez, AS Is it possible to compare researchers with different scientific interests? SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 173
A1801 Egghe, L; Rousseau, R An informetric model for the Hirsch-index SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 154
A857 Bornmann, L; Daniel, HD What do we know about the h index? JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 156
A1446* Cronin, B; Meho, L Using the h-index to rank influential information scientists JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2006 141
A863 Bornmann, L; Mutz, R; Daniel, HD Are there better indices for evaluation purposes than the h index? a comparison of nine different variants of the h index using data from biomedicine JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2008 141
A853 Bornmann, L; Daniel, HD Does the h-index for ranking of scientists really work? SCIENTOMETRICS 2005 135
A270 Alonso, S; Cabrerizo, FJ; Herrera-Viedma, E; Herrera, F h-Index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2009 136
A3248 Kelly, CD; Jennions, MD The h index and career assessment by numbers TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION 2006 124
A1397 Costas, R; Bordons, M The h-index: Advantages, limitations and its relation with other bibliometric indicators at the micro level JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2007 112
A2389 Glanzel, W On the h-index - A mathematical approach to a new measure of publication activity and citation impact SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 101
A940 Braun, T; Glanzel, W; Schubert, A A Hirsch-type index for journals SCIENTIST 2005 97
A5408 Schubert, A; Glanzel, W A systematic analysis of Hirsch-type indices for journals JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2007 92
A5496 Sidiropoulos, A; Katsaros, D; Manolopoulos, Y Generalized Hirsch h-index for disclosing latent facts in citation networks SCIENTOMETRICS 2007 98
A595 Banks, MG An extension of the Hirsch index: Indexing scientific topics and compounds SCIENTOMETRICS 2006 75
A4446 Oppenheim, C Using the h-index to rank influential British researchers in information science and librarianship JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 58
A1794 Egghe L Power Laws in the Information Production Process: Lotkaian Informetrics LIBR INFORM SCI SER 2005 250 (Google scholar)
A1798 Egghe L An improvement of the H-index: the G-index ISSI newsletter 2006 267 (Google scholar)
A3088 Jin B. Scientists designed a new indicator for  themselves: h-index SCI FOCUS 2006 54 (Google scholar)
A2387* Glanzel W A Discussion on the opportunities and limitations of h-index SCI FOCUS 2006 15 (Google scholar)
B49 Jin, BH; Liang, LM; Rousseau, R; Egghe, L The R- and AR-indices: Complementing the h-index CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN 2007 194
B53* Bornmann, L; Daniel, HD What do we know about the h index? JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2007 156
B112 Bornmann, L; Mutz, R; Daniel, HD Are there better indices for evaluation purposes than the h index? a comparison of nine different variants of the h index using data from biomedicine JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2008 141
B195 Alonso, S; Cabrerizo, FJ; Herrera-Viedma, E; Herrera, F h-Index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2009 136
B297 Egghe, L The Hirsch Index and Related Impact Measures ANNUAL REVIEW OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 88
B120* Bar-Ilan, J Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century - A review JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2008 81
B402 Bornmann, L; Mutz, R; Hug, SE; Daniel, HD A multilevel meta-analysis of studies reporting correlations between the h index and 37 different h index variants JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2011 52
B104 van Eck, NJ; Waltman, L Generalizing the h- and g- indices JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2008 45
B118 Jacso, P Testing the calculation of a realistic h-index in Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science for F. W. Lancaster LIBRARY TRENDS 2008 41
B194 Panaretos, J; Malesios, C Assessing scientific research performance and impact with single indices SCIENTOMETRICS 2009 43
B296* Garcia-Perez, MA Accuracy and Completeness of Publication and Citation Records in the Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Google Scholar: A Case Study for the Computation of h Indices in Psychology JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 33
B116* Jacso, P The pros and cons of computing the h-index using Web of Science ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 2008 25
B186 Bontis, N; Serenko, A A follow-up ranking of academic journals JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2009 30
B119 Thelwall, M Bibliometrics to webometrics JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE 2008 27
B107 Egghe, L; Rao, IKR Study of different h-indices for groups of authors JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2008 19
B282 Franceschini, F; Maisano, D The Hirsch spectrum: A novel tool for analyzing scientific journals JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2010 17
B295 Norris, M; Oppenheim, C The h-index: a broad review of a new bibliometric indicator JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION 2010 18
B182 Liu, YX; Rousseau, R Properties of Hirsch-type indices: the case of library classification categories SCIENTOMETRICS 2009 18
B480 Schreiber, M; Malesios, CC; Psarakis, S Exploratory factor analysis for the Hirsch index, 17 h-type variants, and some traditional bibliometric indicators JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2012 17
B399 Kousha, K; Thelwall, M; Rezaie, S Assessing the Citation Impact of Books: The Role of Google Books, Google Scholar, and Scopus JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2011 18
B403 Zhang, L; Thijs, B; Glanzel, W The diffusion of H-related literature JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2011 14
B292 Serenko, A The development of an AI journal ranking based on the revealed preference approach JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2010 13
B111 Egghe, L The Influence of transformations on the h-index and the g-index JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2008 12
B400 Serenko, A; Dohan, M Comparing the expert survey and citation impact journal ranking methods: Example from the field of Artificial Intelligence JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2011 11
B289 Franceschini, F; Maisano, D; Perotti, A; Proto, A Analysis of the ch-index: an indicator to evaluate the diffusion of scientific research output by citers SCIENTOMETRICS 2010 10
B168 Gagolewski, M; Grzegorzewski, P A geometric approach to the construction of scientific impact indices SCIENTOMETRICS 2009 10
B485 Liu, JS; Lu, LYY An Integrated Approach for Main Path Analysis: Development of the Hirsch Index as an Example JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2012 11
B110 Bar-Ilan, J The h-index of h-index and of other informetric topics SCIENTOMETRICS 2008 8
B391* Franceschini, F; Maisano, D Bibliometric positioning of scientific manufacturing journals: a comparative analysis SCIENTOMETRICS 2011 8
B368 Jacso, P The h-index, h-core citation rate and the bibliometric profile of the Scopus database ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 2011 6
B493 Jacso, P Grim tales about the impact factor and the h-index in the Web of Science and the Journal Citation Reports databases: reflections on Vanclay's criticism SCIENTOMETRICS 2012 11
B457 Bornmann, L; Marx, W HistCite analysis of papers constituting the h index research front JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2012 5
B117 Rodriguez, V; Janssens, F; Debackere, K; De Moor, B On material transfer agreements and visibility of researchers in biotechnology JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS 2008 4
B389 Schreiber, M; Malesios, CC; Psarakis, S Categorizing h-index variants RESEARCH EVALUATION 2011 4
B478 Jacso, P Using Google Scholar for journal impact factors and the h-index in nationwide publishing assessments in academia - siren songs and air-raid sirens ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 2012 3
B55 Rodriguez, V; Janssens, F; Debackere, K; De Moor, B On material transfer agreements and visibility of researchers in biotechnology Proceedings of ISSI 2007: 11th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vols I and II 2007 5
B373 Jacso, P The h-index, h-core citation rate and the bibliometric profile of the Web of Science database in three configurations ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW 2011 1
B378 Kousha, K; Thelwall, M Assessing the Citation Impact of Book-Based Disciplines: The Role of Google Books, Google Scholar and Scopus PROCEEDINGS OF ISSI 2011: THE 13TH CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SCIENTOMETRICS AND INFORMETRICS, VOLS 1 AND 2 2011 0

* asterisk signifies the top 5 core nodes.

Appendix 3 A- and B- Core Nodes in H-crystal of "GR&SM-set", ranked by Total Citations

A17975* Riess, AG; Filippenko, AV; Challis, P; Clocchiatti, A; Diercks, A; Garnavich, PM; Gilliland, RL; Hogan, CJ; Jha, S; Kirshner, RP; Leibundgut, B; Phillips, MM; Reiss, D; Schmidt, BP; Schommer, RA; Smith, RC; Spyromilio, J; Stubbs, C; Suntzeff, NB; Tonry, J Observational evidence from supernovae for an accelerating universe and a cosmological constant ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL 1998 7507
A17064* Perlmutter, S; Aldering, G; Goldhaber, G; Knop, RA; Nugent, P; Castro, PG; Deustua, S; Fabbro, S; Goobar, A; Groom, DE; Hook, IM; Kim, AG; Kim, MY; Lee, JC; Nunes, NJ; Pain, R; Pennypacker, CR; Quimby, R; Lidman, C; Ellis, RS; Irwin, M; McMahon, RG; Ruiz-Lapuente, P; Walton, N; Schaefer, B; Boyle, BJ; Filippenko, AV; Matheson, T; Fruchter, AS; Panagia, N; Newberg, HJM; Couch, WJ Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 high-redshift supernovae ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 1999 7022
A19686 Spergel, DN; Verde, L; Peiris, HV; Komatsu, E; Nolta, MR; Bennett, CL; Halpern, M; Hinshaw, G; Jarosik, N; Kogut, A; Limon, M; Meyer, SS; Page, L; Tucker, GS; Weiland, JL; Wollack, E; Wright, EL First-year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observations: Determination of cosmological parameters ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES 2003 6776
A17980 Riess, AG; Strolger, LG; Tonry, J; Casertano, S; Ferguson, HC; Mobasher, B; Challis, P; Filippenko, AV; Jha, S; Li, WD; Chornock, R; Kirshner, RP; Leibundgut, B; Dickinson, M; Livio, M; Giavalisco, M; Steidel, CC; Benitez, T; Tsvetanov, Z Type Ia supernova discoveries at z > 1 from the Hubble Space Telescope: Evidence for past deceleration and constraints on dark energy evolution ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2004 2359
A5702* Copeland, EJ; Sami, M; Tsujikawa, S Dynamics of dark energy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D 2006 2040
A16966 Peebles, PJE; Ratra, B The cosmological constant and dark energy REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 2003 1962
A7032* Dvali, G; Gabadadze, G; Porrati, M 4D gravity on a brane in 5D Minkowski space PHYSICS LETTERS B 2000 1805
A5092 Carroll, SM; Duvvuri, V; Trodden, M; Turner, MS Is cosmic speed-up due to new gravitational physics? PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2004 1037
A5617 Colladay, D; Kostelecky, VA Lorentz-violating extension of the standard model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1998 964
A15962 Nojiri, S; Odintsov, SD Modified gravity with negative and positive powers of curvature: Unification of inflation and cosmic acceleration PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2003 811
A5616 Colladay, D; Kostelecky, VA CPT violation and the standard model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1997 774
A10798 Hu, W; Sawicki, I Models of f(R) cosmic acceleration that evade solar system tests PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2007 593
A12619 Kostelecky, VA Gravity, Lorentz violation, and the standard model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2004 423
A12616 Kostelecky, VA; Mewes, M Signals for Lorentz violation in electrodynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2002 343
A12611 Kostelecky, VA; Lehnert, R Stability, causality, and Lorentz and CPT violation PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2001 313
A12608 Kostelecky, VA; Lane, CD Constraints on Lorentz violation from clock-comparison experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW D 1999 234
A3910 Buchert, T On average properties of inhomogeneous fluids in general relativity: Dust cosmologies GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 2000 224
A16315 Oyaizu, H; Lima, M; Hu, W Nonlinear evolution of f(R) cosmologies. II. Power spectrum PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2008 126
A12620* Kostelecky, VA; Mewes, M Lorentz and CPT violation in the neutrino sector PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2004 102
B176 Kostelecky, VA Gravity, Lorentz violation, and the standard model PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2004 423
B136 Kostelecky, VA; Mewes, M Signals for Lorentz violation in electrodynamics PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2002 343
B152 Brax, P; van de Bruck, C Cosmology and brane worlds: a review CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2003 178
B332 Buchert, T Dark Energy from structure: a status report GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION 2008 188
B434 Iocco, F; Mangano, G; Miele, G; Pisanti, O; Serpico, PD Primordial nucleosynthesis: From precision cosmology to fundamental physics PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 2009 165
B436* Maartens, R; Koyama, K Brane-World Gravity LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY 2010 152
B282 Tsujikawa, S Matter density perturbations and effective gravitational constant in modified gravity models of dark energy PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2007 119
B377* Kostelecky, VA; Mewes, M Electrodynamics with Lorentz-violating operators of arbitrary dimension PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2009 126
B248 Bailey, QG; Kostelecky, VA Signals for Lorentz violation in post-Newtonian gravity PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2006 116
B115 Thiemann, T Gauge field theory coherent states (GCS): I. General properties CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2001 98
B329 Tsagas, CG; Challinor, A; Maartens, R Relativistic cosmology and large-scale structure PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS 2008 87
B437 Centrella, J; Baker, JG; Kelly, BJ; van Meter, JR Black-hole binaries, gravitational waves, and numerical relativity REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 2010 76
B184 Cane, F; Bear, D; Phillips, DF; Rosen, MS; Smallwood, CL; Stoner, RE; Walsworth, RL; Kostelecky, VA Bound on Lorentz and CPT violating boost effects for the neutron PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2004 74
B500 Kostelecky, VA; Tasson, JD Matter-gravity couplings and Lorentz violation PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2011 57
B331* Turyshev, SG Experimental Tests of General Relativity ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE SCIENCE 2008 52
B503* Buchert, T Toward physical cosmology: focus on inhomogeneous geometry and its non-perturbative effects CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2011 45
B211 Lane, CD Probing Lorentz violation with Doppler-shift experiments PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2005 42
B457 Wiegand, A; Buchert, T Multiscale cosmology and structure-emerging dark energy: A plausibility analysis PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2010 30
B339 Pun, CSJ; Kovacs, Z; Harko, T Thin accretion disks onto brane world black holes PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2008 31
B330* Rovelli, C Loop Quantum Gravity LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY 2008 29
B338 Deruelle, N; Sasaki, M; Sendouda, Y Detuned f(R) gravity and dark energy PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2008 24
B280 Turyshev, SG; Israelsson, UE; Shao, M; Yu, N; Kusenko, A; Wright, EL; Everitt, CWF; Kasevich, M; Lipa, JA; Mester, JC; Reasenberg, RD; Walsworth, RL; Ashby, N; Gould, H; Paik, HJ Space-based research in fundamental physics and quantum technologies INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D 2007 23
B565 Xu, C; Saridakis, EN; Leon, G Phase-space analysis of teleparallel dark energy JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 2012 30
B379 Bailey, QG Time delay and Doppler tests of the Lorentz symmetry of gravity PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2009 27
B380 Coc, A; Olive, KA; Uzan, JP; Vangioni, E Nonuniversal scalar-tensor theories and big bang nucleosynthesis PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2009 23
B562 Liu, D; Reboucas, MJ Energy conditions bounds on f(T) gravity PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2012 19
B341 Harko, T; Sabau, VS Jacobi stability of the vacuum in the static spherically symmetric brane world models PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2008 14
B566 Gonzalez, PA; Saridakis, EN; Vasquez, Y Circularly symmetric solutions in three-dimensional teleparallel, f(T) and Maxwell-f(T) gravity JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2012 16
B439 Centrella, J; Baker, JG; Kelly, BJ; van Meter, JR The Final Merger of Black-Hole Binaries ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE SCIENCE, VOL 60 2010 13
B585 Wu, YP; Geng, CQ Matter density perturbations in modified teleparallel theories JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2012 9
B447 Bohmer, CG; De Risi, G; Harko, T; Lobo, FSN Classical tests of general relativity in brane world models CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY 2010 8
B137 Maartens, R Brane-world cosmological perturbations - A covariant approach - PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT 2002 3
B589 Baccetti, V; Tate, K; Visser, M Lorentz violating kinematics: threshold theorems JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2012 3
B179 Sasaki, M Brane-world cosmology and inflation PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2004 1
B400 Harko, T Matter Accretion by Brane-World Black Holes JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 2009 0
B558 Baccetti, V; Tate, K; Visser, M Inertial frames without the relativity principle JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2012 0

* asterisk signifies the top 5 core nodes.


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